

HitPay Changelog

Discover the latest features, enhancements, and bug fixes that we've implemented to improve your HitPay experience.

6 June 2023

Shipping Calendar & Notifications

HitPay online store now supports a calendar for pickup and shipping making it an excellent tool for time-sensitive goods like food and bakeries.

Online Store

  • Shipping and Pickup Calendar: Merchants can now take control of their order fulfillment process by setting up order preparation time, cutoff time, maximum order placement days, and blackout dates for each shipping and pickup method in their online store. As a result, customers can choose their desired pickup or shipping date and time slot from a calendar interface. This feature is ideal for grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants, florists, and more. Shipping User Guide and Pickup User Guide


  • The “Key in Card Details” payment method now allows you to capture your customer’s card details via a camera scan (iOS) or NFC (Android). Read more here.

  • Push notification now displays transaction details such as amount, method, and location. By clicking on the push notification, you will be redirected to see the full details of the transaction.

  • You can now assign products to specific channels, such as Point of Sale (POS), Online Store, and Invoicing from the Web Dashboard. This restricts products from being available only on the assigned channels.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Recurring Billing:  A brand-new page for merchants to access plan details, revenue insights, customer overview, and individual customer information. With the new plans page, merchants can access all the information required to make informed decisions and optimize their recurring billing strategies

  • Merchants now have the capability to generate a QR code for their default payment link

  • Redirect URL for payment links, you can define a specific website to which the customer will be redirected after the payment has been completed

  • Online store now supports search by SKU

  • You can now edit customer details directly from the customer subscription page

  • In POS You can now set a default payment method from the new Checkout Settings

  • Users with multiple HitPay accounts can now choose specific business accounts to log in to from the app (Now available on both iOS and Android)

  • The mobile app now supports filter products by their status, inventory, and source

  • On POS it is now possible to create transactions with a value of $0.00 via the Cash payment method

  • The ratio for the iPad view has been updated to provide more space for displaying products

  • POS you can mark products as draft or published. Draft products will not be displayed on the checkout page

  • Invoices: Fixed the issue of overdue invoices not being sent. HitPay will automatically send an email notification after the invoice due date has passed

  • Recurring Payment Links: The error message for card-denied payments has been fixed, and new subscriptions will not be created if the payment is unsuccessful